Pest control is definitely something that needs to be taken into consideration when you’re purchasing a home or building that has large trees in it. Of course, pests are something that you’ll likely have to worry about anywhere, but trees can bring pests to your home that are known for wreaking havoc on your home.
From squirrels and owls to more intense pests like termites, trees are certainly known for becoming a home to many. Depending on the proximity of the tree to your home, you may be setting yourself up for having a few unwanted house guests. Termites are definitely something that you want to be aware of before purchasing the home because this is easily one of the more expensive projects that you could be taking on when buying a home that has a tree in the yard.
While termites are bad, let’s not discredit our squirrel friends that have been known to easily move from branch to branch, until they realize they have access to your roof. At that point, it’s not unheard of for squirrels to dig into the roof, and make their way into the foundation of your home. Don’t let these pests do any damage, and make sure to stay aware of what’s happening in the trees so that you can manage any problems before they become bigger problems.
In these cases, you don’t usually have to worry about removing full trees, but trimming branches, or removing full trees that are infested with termites, can provide you with the solution that you need to enjoy the tree and reduce the chances of it causing any harm to your home.